The Mystery of The Deforested Woods (Chapter 2: Inspect!)

Od Woods

Please clik here for: (Chapter 1: The Discovery)

“Okay, we won’t be too late, sir,” said Pete to Mr. Brown. “So, where should we start?” asked Safora. “The man who lives in the woods, he’s a good friend of father’s. Let’s go and interview him,” Pete suggested. “But wait,” said Mic holding Pete’s sleeves. “Look, the wood did not sink but the trees had been cut down.”

Just then they found footprints and wagon’s trails. Safora kept those pictures of the footprints in her mind since she left her notebook at home. “Now what?” asked Reen. Ask the man? Take a look at the stumps? Check out this nice chainsaw? Look at tha ….” Pete looked at Reen and asked, “A chainsaw? Let’s check it out!” “Worth a try,” said Mic.

They checked the chainsaw, looking for clues but they found  nothing except dust on it. “Perhaps this chainsaw had not been used for a long time. If not it won’t be so dusty and there will be fingerprints on it. But I heard that there are some tricks to cover our fingerprints,” said Mic.  Suddenly, they heard the clattering sound, like what Pete heard that morning. Pete announced, “We’d better continue our investigations tomorrow, it’s too late now and the gardener will be angry if we stay here for too long.”

The next morning, Pete and Safora ran towards the woods to continue their investigations. Meanwhile, Mic and Reen had totally forgotten that they were supposed to meet and go to the woods. Pete wondered where were Mic and Reen. So he ran to Mic’s house and waved his magnifying glass in the direction of Mic’s bedroom window as a signal. Mic was looking out his window and saw Pete in front of his gate, waving the magnifying glass.

Mic rushed outside with his little brother, Reen and they all ran towards the woods. When they reached the woods, Reen stood back just in case someone caught sight of them. Pete found out that the footprints had been brushed away by hands and he got the hand prints he needed. Fortunately, Safora could still remember the footprints. Pete took out his camera that he got for his birthday last month and took  pictures of the hand prints. “There, we’ve got some clues and now we could go home and think of what to do next,” said Pete. 

They all went to Mic’s house to discuss about the hand prints that they just saw and the footprints that Safora drew in her notebook as soon as she reached home last night.

To be continued …

Please click here for The Mystery of The Deforested Woods (Chapter 3: Suspects)